terça-feira, fevereiro 24, 2004

Nossa Senhora do QéQilo!!!

Este é, sem dúvida alguma, o site mais estranho que eu já vi em toda a minha vida.

The Cutting Edge, uma seitazita daquelas completamente surreais (reparem no Harry Potter da coluna da esquerda).

Aquilo até CASSETES ÁUDIO tem, vejam aqui por exemplo.
"Once you understand that the prophesied religion of Antichrist is Black Magick Witchcraft, you can understand the importance of knowing spiritual warfare. You will better understand such things happening in our world today, like Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Harry Potter, Public School fiasco, Abortion, and the incredible slide into all things Witchcraft among our high school and pre-teen students. We spend nearly an hour discussing the Prayer of Jabez, one of the greatest heretical false gospels to ever hit Christianity.
You will also be able to better fight against it and protect your precious children. 4-Tape Set, nearly SEVEN HOURS of seminar material."

Muito, muito esquisito.

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